Living with a Functioning Alcoholic Husband What Are My Options?

high functioning alcoholic husband

Living with an alcoholic can be overwhelming, especially for a spouse or significant other. When children are present in the home, it can and will take a toll on their mental health and emotions. A strong possibility for frequent ups and downs, not only in their moods and also in their financial, emotional, and social states.

Choose Recovery Over Addiction

  • If you’re suffering from the effects of codependency, it may be time to take a break or distance yourself from the relationship.
  • Treatment programs at The Recovery Village include a full spectrum of alcohol recovery services, from alcohol detox to rehab, aftercare and sober housing.
  • You may begin to feel isolated and alone, and that can be detrimental to your overall health.
  • The most important piece of advice is to have your spouse’s treatment options ready to be laid out and committed to.

Some of these treatment options may include inpatient treatment (such as residential rehabilitation), outpatient treatment, individual therapy, medications, and more. People who are close to high-functioning alcoholics need to avoid becoming codependent. That means they need to avoid enabling and make sure they don’t become emotionally dependent on helping their loved one. Unfortunately, even when functional alcoholics begin to recognize that they have a drinking problem, they still resist reaching out for help.

Is more relaxed and confident after drinking

The first time you bring up the subject, your spouse may deny that a problem exists, or they may rationalize it. Listen with compassion and thank your partner for hearing you regardless. Whether it’s a night out or just a small office get-together at lunch, this person uses any occasion as an excuse to drink alcohol. This type of drinking typically starts as an accompaniment to any social situation and quickly blossoms into a drink for any situation at all, from waking up to calming down and going to sleep.

The benefits of an in-home detox program

Functional alcoholics are often intelligent, hardworking and well-educated. Their professional status or personal success can make it hard to approach them about having a “problem” with alcohol. If you are wondering if your husband is a high-functioning alcoholic, there are certain warning signs to look for.

Self-Care When You’re Living With an Alcoholic

high functioning alcoholic husband

The most important piece of advice is to have your spouse’s treatment options ready to be laid out and committed to. A popular way that the loved ones of an addict or alcoholic get help is through programs like Al-Anon or Nar-Anon that are for the loved ones of people with substance use disorders. These support groups offer you the support of people who have been through what you’re facing and can help you teach you how to care for yourself. Having the experience of others and the advice can change how isolated you tend to feel when you’re stuck in your spouse’s functioning addiction.

There is a massive difference in enabling and supporting your functioning alcoholic spouse. By not enabling your alcoholic spouse, you must set boundaries, which is difficult at first. Seeking outside help can assist you in this, such as therapy, counseling, or a support group. When dealing with a functioning alcoholic, it may feel like the lines are blurred as to what will help them stop drinking or what will make the drinking or substance use increase.

high functioning alcoholic husband

Approximately 2.7 million married couples in the United high functioning alcoholic States are impacted by alcoholism due to an alcoholic partner. Having an alcoholic spouse can lead to a number of negative consequences, such as mental health issues, job loss, domestic violence, and financial struggles. It is hard to find ways to support your functioning alcoholic spouse. In setting boundaries with your alcoholic spouse, you can still help them without sacrificing yourself. Setting boundaries can be hard at first, but it’s important to remember that you must adhere to them. Setting boundaries becomes more comfortable with time and will help your functioning alcoholic spouse, no matter how angry or upset they are in the beginning.

high functioning alcoholic husband

The 4 Stages Of Alcoholism For The Functioning Alcoholic: A Path To Addiction

If your loved one is in denial or doesn’t want to seek treatment, they’re not alone. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health,about 14.5 million people have an AUD, and yet only 7% received treatment that year. Typically, alcohol withdrawal symptoms happen for heavier drinkers. Alcohol withdrawal can begin within hours of ending a drinking session. Liver damage is the most talked about physical consequence and that is a concern almost immediately.