For example, Bank X has an account with Bank Y in Bank Y’s home currency. To Bank X, that is a nostro, meaning « our account on your books, » while to Bank Y, it is a vostro, meaning « your account on our books. » Nastro, Vastro & Loro account is created for easy settlement of the incoming funds (value of export goods) and track on out going funds (import goods) and keep smooth control on Foreign Exchange.

In this relationship, both banks perform due diligence on each other to assess their credibility, financial stability, compliance with regulations, and suitability for the intended agency relationship. All three accounts are most important for easy foreign exchange transactions and make faster, and quicker with low cost. From GTBank’s perspective, its U.S. dollar account with Citibank is a nostro account.

  1. The custom department of that country looks after the each and every goods which comes in and goes out from the country.In India FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act) is the act which formed to regulate the Foreign trade.
  2. I know the above statement is little complexed and not understandable for a common person.
  3. In other words, a VOSTRO account is a foreign bank’s account at a domestic bank.
  4. In other words, it is a bank’s nostro account in any foreign country but is maintained on behalf of a domestic bank (the customer bank regards this account as its nostro account).
  5. The three major accounts related to foreign accounts are the Nostro account, Vostro account, and Loro account.
  6. A bank counts a nostro account with a debit balance as a cash asset in its balance sheet.

VOSTRO account is a type of bank account that is held by a foreign bank at a domestic bank in the domestic bank’s currency. In other words, a VOSTRO account is a foreign bank’s account at a domestic bank. NOSTRO accounts are one of the ways that banks manage their foreign currency exposure and facilitate international transactions for their customers. Nostro accounts differ from demand deposit accounts, which are held in the currency of the bank where they are located.

What do you mean by Nostro account?

In such conditions, a third bank’s account, which is talked about, is called a Loro account. To understand better, XYZ Bank in India wants to conduct business with Bank ABC in Australia and needs to hold Australian dollars, Bank XYZ can open a VOSTRO account with Bank ABC. Because it is an additional feature, banks with nostro facilities usually charge maintenance fees that may be expensive. Since that date, one nostro account for the entire eurozone has been sufficient. If a country were to leave the eurozone, either voluntarily or involuntarily, banks would need to re-establish nostros in that country in its new currency in order to continue making payments. A nostro account and a vostro account actually refer to the same entity but from a different perspective.

For better understanding what is Foreign exchange transaction, we need to understand first what is ‘home currency’ and what is ‘foreign currency’. Suppose a domestic bank (State Bank of India) opens a foreign account with Citigroup (the USA) in currency $ USD. For the SBI, this will be a Nostro account, and for Citigroup, it is a Vostro Account. Foreign exchange involves collecting at a centre of a given currency and then giving it to the center in a different currency. Foreign Exchange takes place only if it is converted to home currency.

J.B. Maverick is an active trader, commodity futures broker, and stock market analyst 17+ years of experience, in addition to 10+ years of experience as a finance writer and book editor.

Vostro Account vs. Nostro Account

NOSTRO account is a bank account, that a bank holds in a foreign country’s currency at another bank in that country. This type of account is used by banks to facilitate foreign exchange transactions and to hold funds that belong to their customers who have accounts in foreign currencies. First all of we have to understand that from where the term come from ? The Term Nostros, is a Latin word, the meaning of the term is “ours.” This term is frequently used to facilitate foreign exchange and trade transactions.What Is a Nostro Account ? A nostro account refers to an account that a domestic bank holds in a foreign currency account in another bank.

I know the above statement is little complexed and not understandable for a common person. To make it easy we have to understand the concept from the beginning like what is foreign exchange ? This blog a very quick & short blog but very important blog for the students and for the professionals who likely to work in foreign exchange.

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The opposite term, vostro account, is the way in which a bank refers to the accounts that foreign banks have on their books that are denominated in the holding bank’s home currency. The bank holding a nostro or vostro account may be called the « facilitator » bank. Nostro accounts differ from standard demand deposit accounts because they are denominated in foreign currencies. Also, only businesses or governments have nostro or vostro accounts, they aren’t offered in the same way to individual account holders.

A vostro account is an account a correspondent bank holds on behalf of another bank. These accounts are an essential aspect of correspondent banking in which the bank holding the funds acts as custodian for or manages the account of a foreign counterpart. For example, if a Spanish life insurance company approaches a U.S. bank to manage funds on the Spanish life insurer’s behalf, the account is deemed by the holding bank as a vostro account of the insurance company. While corresponding with the foreign bank maintaining an account with it, the Indian bank would refer to the account as Vostro account, meaning ‘your account with us’. For example, a bank in Middle East may open an account with an Indian bank, and draw drafts on the account. The Indian bank on presentment of the drafts to it would pay to the debit of the foreign bank’s account with it.

How Does a Vostro Account Benefit Banks?

From Citibank’s perspective, it is holding a vostro account for GTBank in U.S. dollars. Vostro is the term used by Bank B, where bank A’s money is on deposit. Vostro is a reference to « yours » and refers to « your money that is on deposit at our bank. » A vostro account is like any other account held by a bank. The account is a record of money owed to or maintained by a third party, typically another bank, but it can be either a company or an individual. Nostro and vostro are variations on the Latin words that mean « ours » and « yours, » respectively.

There is also the notion of a loro account (« theirs »), which is a record of an account held by a second bank on behalf of a third party; that is, my record of their account with you. In practice this is rarely used, the main exception being complex syndicated financing. A client bank elects to open an account with another facilitator bank. In some cases, the facilitator bank may not be a primary clearing member but they will have the ability to make payments in local currency, possibly through another bank in the same country. For these accounts, the domestic bank is acting like a custodian or managing the accounts of a foreign counterpart.

The Nostro account is the record of the bank that has money on deposit at another bank. These accounts are often used to simplify settlements of trade and foreign exchange transactions. loro account meaning Nostro accounts differ from standard demand deposit bank accounts in that they are usually held by financial institutions, and they are denominated in foreign currencies.

Thus in many banks a credit entry on an account (« CR ») is regarded as negative movement, and a debit (« DR ») is positive – the reverse of usual commercial accounting conventions. To understand different foreign exchange transaction terms, we must first understand what the terms of home currency and foreign currency are. Foreign currency can be explained like any other currency other than home currency.